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Site technical support

Site support

What is site technical support?

The Internet is an actively developing segment of the market, which companies interested in increasing profitability and increasing the audience of potential buyers of their goods seek to master. The first step in developing a virtual niche is to create a website, but it is important to understand that the website will not work by itself: constant technical support is required. Technical support is a complex of works aimed at ensuring the stable operation of the site and its development.


Technical support and support of the site 24/7


Content support and site administration

Updating information on the site, filling out the product catalog.
Maintenance of "News", "Articles", "Blog" sections.
Publication of texts on pages, news, etc.
Placing price lists, updating prices.
Writing texts for the site /copywriting/.
Rewrite /we make website texts unique/.


Site development and programming

Expansion of functionality of any complexity.
Creating new sections or pages.
Design improvement, seasonal site design update.
Creation of a mobile version of the site.
Design adaptation.
Increasing site loading speed.


Ensuring the functionality of the site

Prompt elimination of site errors.
Site backup.
Placing the site on our servers.
Site recovery after virus attacks.
Cleaning up malicious code.
Setting up mailboxes on your domain.
Site transfer and selection of optimal hosting.

Let's get started

Get a free consultation



Prices for technical support and site maintenance

The cost of technical support, website support depends on the service delivery format: we are ready to offer standard packages to our customers tariffs, from which it is easy to choose the one which is optimal for your budget. If you are interested in an individual package of services from supporting your site: call us, we will study your project, your wishes and we will calculate the exact price.

Until 10 o'clock


  • Elimination of errors in the operation of the site
  • Update of modules and management system
  • Filling the site with new content
  • Programming
  • layout
  • Design

Up to 30 hours


  • Elimination of errors in the operation of the site
  • Update of modules and management system
  • Filling the site with new content
  • Programming
  • layout
  • Design

Up to 60 hours


a month
  • Elimination of errors in the operation of the site
  • Update of modules and management system
  • Filling the site with new content
  • Programming
  • layout
  • Design

Website support services in Ukraine

Technical support of websites from our studio in Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipro and other cities of Ukraine includes a whole range of measures that help to carry out high-quality monitoring of resource performance, timely detection and elimination of errors. Among these measures: regular (daily) checking of site availability, restoration of availability in case of technical failures, checking for viruses, malicious codes, data backup, monitoring of technical errors with subsequent elimination, monitoring of "broken" links. This list of activities can be expanded and supplemented at the request of the customer. The technical support of your website in our web studio will be carried out by a team of competent specialists, we make detailed reports on the work carried out and provide them to you. Tasks are solved promptly, our support is always available - you just need to call! You can find out all the details about website support by calling the phone number of the web studio: call and get the most detailed advice from our managers!

Individual website support jobs

Sometimes the performance of standard tasks is not enough to support the site: it is necessary to change the functionality of the web resource, to carry out measures to improve the site's performance. Specialists of our website creation and maintenance studio are ready to solve these tasks for you. We will analyze your site and propose a project of changes that will help to achieve quick positive results.
If you have a ready-made website modification project, we will execute it according to your wishes and requirements, and realize all your ideas.
Another type of service that we offer in the field of site support and maintenance is content support. Correct work with the content of the site is of fundamental importance: it helps to increase conversion, attract additional traffic, and offer users relevant and interesting information. Content support for sites involves filling the resource with new articles, news, updating product catalogs, preparing and placing infographics.

Website support and maintenance: benefits for your business

By ordering website development and maintenance from our web studio, you will receive a number of real benefits for your business. You will be able to fully control the process of functioning of your site, which means that it will constantly bring you profit, attract new customers, and expand the audience of potential buyers. Your site will provide users with up-to-date information about products and services and, therefore, will be attractive to both visitors and search engines.
Technical support will reliably protect your site from viruses, hacker attacks, hacking and create optimal conditions for its promotion and development. You will not have to spend your time on technical support of the site: all the necessary measures will be carried out by the specialists of the web studio.

Let us begin

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